Warning: These are scripts that are meant for developers and testers to use to debug this mod. These are NOT supported for general use and are only for debugging use. It could even crash your game!
Engine datalogger
Adds 3 options to your action menu to record the engine RPMs and torques. This can then be exported into CSV format, in the schema | No. | Description | Units | | –: | :– | :– | | 1 | Game time since mission start | Seconds | | 2 | Engine 1 RPM | RPM | | 3 | Engine 2 RPM | RPM | | 4 | Engine 1 Torque | Newton Meters | | 5 | Engine 2 Torque | Newton Meters |
_heli = vehicle player;
mbs_buffer = [];
mbs_shouldRecord = false;
_heli addAction ["<t color='#00ff00'>Start recording</t>", {
hint "Recording started";
mbs_buffer = [];
mbs_shouldRecord = true;
_heli = vehicle player;
while {mbs_shouldRecord} do {
enginesRpmRTD _heli params [["_r1", -1], ["_r2", -1]];
enginesTorqueRTD _heli params [["_t1", -1], ["_t2", -1]];
_rec = [time, _r1, _r2, _t1, _t2] joinString ",";
mbs_buffer pushBack _rec;
hintSilent _rec;
sleep 0.01;
hint "Recording stopped";
, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "!mbs_shouldRecord"];
_heli addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>Stop recording</t>", {mbs_shouldRecord = false;}, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "mbs_shouldRecord"];
_heli addAction ["<t color='#ffff00'>Export data</t>", {
copyToClipboard (mbs_buffer joinString toString [13, 10]);
hint "Copied to clipboard!";
}, nil, 1.5, true, false];
Variable logging
Copies all variables with the prefix fza_ah64
to the clipboard
private _arr = ["GLOBAL VARIABLES:"];
private _split = _x splitString "_";
if (count _split >= 2) then {
if (_split # 0 == "fza" && _split # 1 == "ah64") then {
_arr pushBack (format ["%1 = %2", _x, currentNamespace getVariable _x]);
forEach (allVariables currentNamespace);
_arr pushBack "APACHE VARIABLES:";
private _split = _x splitString "_";
if (count _split >= 2) then {
if (_split # 0 == "fza" && _split # 1 == "ah64") then {
_arr pushBack (format ["%1 = %2", _x, vehicle player getVariable _x]);
forEach (allVariables vehicle player);
copyToClipboard (_arr joinString toString [13, 10])
Auto engine startup
This is really not recommended, it jumps between engine states in a not supported way. Could theoretically to your apache literally blowing up on occasion.
vehicle player animateSource ["plt_rtrbrake", 0];
vehicle player animate["plt_batt", 1];
vehicle player animate["plt_apu", 1];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_sfmplus_engPowerLeverState",["FLY", "FLY"]];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_sfmplus_engState",["ON", "ON"]];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_ah64_estarted", true, true];
vehicle player animate["plt_eng1_throttle", 1];
vehicle player animate["plt_eng2_throttle", 1];
vehicle player engineon true;
vehicle player animate["plt_apu", 0];