Engine datalogger

Adds 3 options to your action menu to record the engine RPMs and torques. This can then be exported into CSV format, in the schema | No. | Description | Units | | –: | :– | :– | | 1 | Game time since mission start | Seconds | | 2 | Engine 1 RPM | RPM | | 3 | Engine 2 RPM | RPM | | 4 | Engine 1 Torque | Newton Meters | | 5 | Engine 2 Torque | Newton Meters |

_heli = vehicle player; 
mbs_buffer = [];
mbs_shouldRecord = false; 
_heli addAction ["<t color='#00ff00'>Start recording</t>", { 
    hint "Recording started";
    mbs_buffer = []; 
    mbs_shouldRecord = true; 
    _heli = vehicle player; 
    while {mbs_shouldRecord} do { 
        enginesRpmRTD _heli params [["_r1", -1], ["_r2", -1]]; 
        enginesTorqueRTD _heli params [["_t1", -1], ["_t2", -1]]; 
        _rec = [time, _r1, _r2, _t1, _t2] joinString ","; 
        mbs_buffer pushBack _rec; 
        hintSilent _rec; 
        sleep 0.01; 
    hint "Recording stopped"; 
, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "!mbs_shouldRecord"]; 

_heli addAction ["<t color='#ff0000'>Stop recording</t>", {mbs_shouldRecord = false;}, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "mbs_shouldRecord"]; 
_heli addAction ["<t color='#ffff00'>Export data</t>", {
    copyToClipboard (mbs_buffer joinString toString [13, 10]); 
    hint "Copied to clipboard!"; 
}, nil, 1.5, true, false];

Variable logging

Copies all variables with the prefix fza_ah64 to the clipboard

private _arr = ["GLOBAL VARIABLES:"]; 
    private _split = _x splitString "_"; 
    if (count _split >= 2) then { 
        if (_split # 0 == "fza" && _split # 1 == "ah64") then { 
            _arr pushBack (format ["%1 = %2", _x, currentNamespace getVariable _x]); 
forEach (allVariables currentNamespace); 
_arr pushBack "APACHE VARIABLES:"; 
    private _split = _x splitString "_"; 
    if (count _split >= 2) then { 
        if (_split # 0 == "fza" && _split # 1 == "ah64") then { 
            _arr pushBack (format ["%1 = %2", _x, vehicle player getVariable _x]); 
forEach (allVariables vehicle player); 
copyToClipboard (_arr joinString toString [13, 10])

Auto engine startup

This is really not recommended, it jumps between engine states in a not supported way. Could theoretically to your apache literally blowing up on occasion.

vehicle player animateSource ["plt_rtrbrake", 0];
vehicle player animate["plt_batt", 1];
vehicle player animate["plt_apu", 1];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_sfmplus_engPowerLeverState",["FLY", "FLY"]];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_sfmplus_engState",["ON", "ON"]];
vehicle player setVariable ["fza_ah64_estarted", true, true];
vehicle player animate["plt_eng1_throttle", 1];
vehicle player animate["plt_eng2_throttle", 1];
vehicle player engineon true;
vehicle player animate["plt_apu", 0];
Tags: contributing