Image of the ENG Page
Figure 1: The ENG page.

The ENG page is your view into the engines, drivetrain and rotor system. It is invaluable during startup and is useful during flight to ensure you do not over-torque the engines.

Most information here is provided both visually and graphically, via the vertical tapes. Many of them are also colour-coded (red, amber, green) to give another indication of help


  1. Engine torque levels, where 100% is the maximum normal value. You can exceed this value for small periods of time, but extended usage in this area is not recommended.
  2. Turbine Gas Temperature. This is not simulated by the flight model, and as such is only important during startup
  3. Np is the turbine engine’s RPM. It is given as a percentage of the normal value.
  4. Numeric format of the engine’s Np
  5. Ng is the generator turbine shaft’s RPM, as a percentage of the normal value. This is only important during startup.
  6. The engine oil PSI. This is only important during startup.
  7. :construction: This is the pressure indicators for all 4 of the hydraulics systems. This is static, and not currently implemented.
  8. Nr is the main rotor rpm.


You cannot perform any tasks through this page, the pilot controls the engines via the power lever quadrant near their left leg.

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