Sight Selection and usage

A sight is a targeting system that the aircraft uses to train a weapons system on a target. The operator selects a sight, and then when they WAS a weapon that weapon will ‘look down’ that sight.

Alternatively, an acquisition source is some data source that you can use to help you acquire a target with your sight. An example would be the other crew-member’s headset, so you could train your sight where they’re looking.


  • HMD - The HMD sight will sight whatever you are looking at with the IHADSS. It is selectable using Shift + 1.
  • TADS - The TADS sight will select what the TADS is aiming at.. It is selectable using Shift + 2.
  • FXD - The FXD sight will fix the weapon system to the nose of the aircraft (including the camera).. It is selectable using Shift + 3.
  • FCR - The FCR sight will sight whatever the Next-To-Shoot (NTS) target is, from the FCR. If the FCR does not have an NTS, then the weapons systems won’t be actionable.. It is selectable using Shift + 4.

Viewing selected sight

The selected sight can be viewed on the IHADSS symbology in the lower-left corner.

It is also visible on the WPN page.